Capsules Minted
Unique Users
Capsules Transfered
Total Value Stored
Capsule Transfer
Send programmable, gasless transfers with enhanced security features.
Batch multiple asset transfers into a single, secure transfer.

Batch multiple asset transfers into one transfer

Reroute or recall a transfer after it's been sent

Add on-chain or off-chain security to any transfer

Accept transfers on any chain without paying gas
The Capsule API
Integrate Capsule functionality into any project, on or off-chain.
// Solidity ^0.8.0
function shipMyPackage(
CapsuleData.CapsuleContent calldata packageContent_,
PostOffice.SecurityInfo calldata securityInfo_,
address receiver_
) external returns (uint256) {
// your code here...
return postOffice.shipPackage(packageContent_, securityInfo_, receiver_);

Code independently audited by Quantstamp
Our Ecosystem
We've worked with countless projects online and in person.

Transfer on any blockchain without compromise.